Class Schedule

Weekly classes: Bitter Lake Community Center

We hold weekly classes at the Bitter Lake Community Center in Seattle.

Tuesdays, 5:30–6:45pm: Kung-fu for self defense

Learn this non-traditional kung-Fu based martial art and explore self-defense. meditation, conditioning, and awareness through graceful movement. Techniques are presented to each student in an individually driven curriculum. Wear comfortable clothes and practice barefoot or wear shoes with light colored tread. Students 10-13 yrs must have a parent or guardian in attendance.

You can register in advance for either—or both—of these two sessions ($66/ea):

Wednesdays, 4:30 – 5:15pm: Foundational movement

Build and maintain strength, stability and suppleness in your spine, core, and hips. Using your own body weight and simple, effective movements, you will develop your backbone so you can move through life with a solid foundation. Yoga mat needed.

You can register in advance for this session ($66):

Saturdays, 9:30 – 10:30am: Dance fitness

Join a barefoot cardio-dance workout that builds flexibility, agility, strength, and stability. Dance is fun, low-impact, and adaptable for individual needs and abilities. Wear comfortable dancing clothes, we will be moving!

You can register in advance for either—or both—of these two sessions ($66/ea):

Additional classes and events

For a full listing of upcoming events, see the Calendar.

Who may attend?

Students of all ages and levels of fitness are welcome to attend any of our classes. However, children under 15 should be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian, and if you have any physical limitations, please let either Eron or Jena know beforehand.

All participation in classes is voluntary. You are responsible for your own comfort and well-being.